How to Make Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer

Air Fryer Garlic Bread

Content updated April 11, 2024

today we see how to make garlic bread in air fryer, a tasty starter that you can make without breaking your hair in less than 15 minutes.

Below we will show you:

We will also tell you some variations and tips so that you can cook your recipe the way it is. easier and faster way.

Ingredients garlic bread air fryer

Here's our list of ingredients to make garlic bread in the air fryer:

  • French Baguette (1)
  • Garlic cloves, minced (4)
  • Butter (50 gr)
  • Olive oil (15 ml)
  • Chopped parsley (8 gr)
  • Parmesan cheese (20 gr)

How to make garlic bread in the air fryer

Time required: 13 minutes

It will take you 5 minutes to prepare and another 8 minutes to make your air fryer garlic bread.

  1. Cut the baguette into slices of about 2 cm.

    Meanwhile, preheat the air fryer to 160ºC.

  2. Mix the finely minced garlic with the butter and oil to form a smooth paste.

    Spread the pasta on the surface of the slices.

  3. Then grate the Parmesan cheese over the slices.

    The amounts will depend on your taste.

  4. Introduce the slices for 8 minutes at 160ºC in the air fryer.

    Place your air fryer garlic and cheese bread on a plate and decorate with chopped parsley.

Time and Temperature for Cheesy Garlic Bread in the Air Fryer

These values ​​for prepare air fryer garlic bread are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the model and power of your The Airfryer.

Time: 8 minutes

Temperature: 160ºC / 320ºF

And that's it! As you have seen, you have cooked your delicious garlic bread in the air fryer in approximately 13 minutes.

Airfryers also work like a traditional oven and thanks to their small size, they are capable of cook up to 70% faster. In addition, the energy consumption also significantly lower.

The amounts shown in the list of ingredients are indicative, because everything will vary depending on the size of the baguette or your tastes. There are people who prefer less butter or cheese (or even do without), to make them healthier.

On the contrary, if you want to treat yourself, you can increase the amounts of cheese to create long threads of it in each bite.

In short, this recipe for air fryer is a very simple starter to prepare that will conquer the palates with its crisp and tasty finish.

You will also like these recipes for air fryer

We hope you liked this airfryer garlic bread recipe. If you're looking for more cooking inspiration, don't miss this page full of recipes for air fryer, easy and quick to do!

Nutritional Information for Air Fryer Garlic Bread Recipe here

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How to Make Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer
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