How to Prepare Creole Potatoes in an Air Fryer

how to make creole potato in air fryer

Content updated April 11, 2024

today we see how to prepare creole potatoes in an air fryer, a recipe where you can cook a wonderful side dish in just 20 minutes.

Below we will show you:

We will also tell you some variations and tips so that you can cook your recipe the way it is. easier and faster way.

Ingredients to make creole potatoes in the air fryer

Here is our list of ingredients to make Creole potatoes in the air fryer:

  • Creole potatoes (7-8 units)
  • Sal Island
  • Olive oil (half tablespoon)

How to make Creole potatoes in the air fryer

Time required: 20 minutes

It will hardly take 5 minutes to prepare and about 15-20 minutes in your air fryer.

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 180ºC / 365ºF.

    Clean your Creole potatoes very well with water, removing any traces of roots or soil.

  2. Pat the potatoes dry with a kitchen towel and place them in a bowl.

    Add salt to taste and half a tablespoon of olive oil. Stir very well to mix the ingredients.

  3. Put the Creole potatoes in the basket of your air fryer at 180 ºC / 365 ºF for 20 minutes.

    After 10 minutes, open the basket and shake the potatoes or move them with a tong.

  4. Repeat the process after 5 minutes and carefully remove them from the basket.

    You already have your tasty garnish of Creole potatoes ready.

Time and Temperature for Air Fryer Wrinkled Potatoes

These values ​​for prepare creole potatoes in air fryer are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the model and power of your The Airfryer.

Time: 20 minutes

Temperature: 180ºC / 365ºF

A side dish that you can accompany with a spicy touch

Creole potatoes are a great side dish that we have always liked for their speed of preparation. By eating with his skin, its preparation is practically immediate.

If your potatoes are larger than usual, you can consider cutting them in half to make sure they cook well. You can also make some cuts and add 5 more minutes in your air fryer.

On the other hand, you can do your Spicy Air Fryer Creole Potatoes adding the following spice mixture: 1 tablespoon paprika, 1/2 teaspoon chili, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 tablespoon onion powder, olive oil, pepper and salt.

Another option is to cook them only with salt and then accompany them with your favorite sauce. In fact, in the Canary Islands it is typical eat wrinkled potatoes in an air fryer with mojo picón.

In short, it is a wonderful garnish that You can also cook in your air fryer to accompany fish and meat.

You will also like these recipes for air fryer

And if you are looking for more accompaniment for your airfryer wrinkled potatoes, do not miss this page full of recipes for air fryer, easy and quick to do!

We hope you liked this recipe for air fryer crinkled potatoes. You can see the nutritional information about Creole potatoes here.

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How to Prepare Creole Potatoes in an Air Fryer
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