How to Prepare Salchipapas in an Air Fryer

how to make sausages in an air fryer

Content updated April 11, 2024

today we see how to prepare salchipapas in an air fryer, a delicious dish that the little ones in the house love. In its preparation you will only need 3 ingredients and your The Airfryer it will cook them in just 15 minutes.

Below we will show you:

We will also tell you some variations and tips so that you can cook your recipe the way it is. easier and faster way.

Ingredients to make salchipapas in an air fryer

Here is our list of ingredients to make salchipapa in the air fryer:

  • Cooked sausages (2)
  • Frozen French fries (100 gr)
  • Olive oil

How to make sausage in an air fryer

Time required: 20 minutes

It will take about 5 minutes to prepare and another 15 minutes to make.

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 200ºC / 392ºF.

    Cut your sausages into thin slices about half a centimeter.

  2. Open the basket of your air fryer and put in the frozen fries. Lightly spray with olive oil

    Set your air fryer at 200º C / 392º F for 15 minutes.

  3. When 5 minutes have passed, take out the basket and place your cut sausages on top of the potatoes.

    After another 5 minutes, remove the basket and shake well to mix the potatoes and sausage.

Time and Temperature for Salchipapas in Air Fryer

These values ​​for prepare sausages in an air fryer are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the model and power of your The Airfryer.

Time: 15 minutes

Temperature: 200ºC / 392ºF

You can vary these sausages in air fryer at your whim

For this salchipapa recipe we have only needed two ingredients: sausages and potatoes. However, below we will give some variations that you can do.

For example, in the last 5 minutes of brewing in your air fryer, you can top melting cheese. Also some bacon cubes next to your sausages.

Once your sausages are done, you can add sauce to enhance its flavor. We like to add ketchup, mustard and pink sauce for a colorful dish.

Of course, you can use homemade potatoes but the process will take longer. You can too season your potatoes with your favorite spices to give it a more spicy and original touch.

Cook the fries first It is the key point to keep in mind in this recipe. Then add your sausages and finally shake to mix everything well.

Times may vary depending on your model and the thickness of your sausages, but as a general rule you will have your dish ready in just 15 minutes. Add your favorite sauces and, to enjoy!

You will also like these recipes for air fryer

And if you are looking for more inspiration to cook, do not miss this page full of recipes for air fryer, easy and quick to do!

Sausage Nutritional Information:

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How to Prepare Salchipapas in an Air Fryer
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