32 Recipes to Lose Weight in the Air Fryer

Recipes to Lose Weight in the Air Fryer

Content updated April 11, 2024

If you are looking to lose weight, don't miss our selection with 32 recipes to lose weight in the air fryer low in calories.

The objective of this selection of recipes is to inspire you when it comes to cooking healthier. Always consult with a nutrition professional when creating a balanced diet.

Low Calorie Air Fryer Recipes

We start with our air fryer vegetable recipes, the simplest way to eat low-calorie dishes:

Air Fryer Fish Recipes

Fish are a excellent source of vitamins and it is recommended to eat them several times a week to enjoy a healthy diet:

Low Fat Meat Recipes for Air Fryer

Chicken or turkey breast is a great option to eat healthy animal protein. Don't miss these quick and easy recipes to make!

Recipes to lose weight with eggs in the air fryer

Eggs are also an excellent source of protein that will help you lose weight while maintaining a healthy diet.

More recipes to lose weight in the air fryer

Finally, we leave you with a selection of varied recipes that you can take into account when creating a balanced diet:

Tips when cooking vegetables in an air fryer

You can follow these tips when cooking vegetables with your air fryer:

  1. Cuts evenly. Make sure to cut the vegetables into uniform pieces so that they all cook evenly.
  2. Clean and dry the vegetables. Always clean your vegetables under the tap. Then dry them very well before cooking them in the air fryer, this way you will get crispier results.
  3. Use an oil sprayer. Lightly spray the vegetables with a cooking spray to better control the amount of oil. You can use a kitchen brush to distribute the oil evenly.
  4. Use seasonings. Add spices or herbs to flavor the vegetables. You can try garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, Provençal herbs, etc.
  5. Do not overload the basket. Don't overfill the air fryer basket, leave room for air to circulate and cook the vegetables evenly.
  6. Shake or flip halfway through. Halfway through the cooking time, shake or turn the vegetables so they cook evenly.
  7. Adjust the temperature. Experiment with the temperature to find the best result for your air fryer. Typically higher temperatures achieve crispier results.
  8. Proper cooking time. Likewise, pay attention to the time you leave your vegetables inside when cooking them. You may consider raising the temperature in the last few minutes for crispier results.
  9. Try different vegetables. The air fryer has more possibilities than you imagine, try different types of vegetables so you never get bored of it.
  10. Clean after each use. Get in the habit of cleaning the air fryer after each use to keep it in good condition and avoid transfers of unwanted flavors.

Other recommendations to keep in mind

In addition to the tips for preparing your vegetables in the air fryer, pay attention to these tips to eat healthier:

  • Avoid processed foods. Limit the use of pre-cooked and processed foods because they often contain unhealthy fats and additives. If you can, opt for fresh and natural ingredients.
  • control the portions. Although the air fryer can make food healthier, it is important to control portions. Do not exceed the quantities to maintain an adequate caloric intake.
  • Vary your diet. Don't limit yourself to just one type of food, vary your diet across a wide range of nutrients to avoid getting bored.
  • Reduce consumption of fatty meats. Go for lean cuts of meat and remove the skin from the chicken before cooking. This will help reduce the fat content.
  • Be careful with battered and breaded foods. Limit the use of batters and breadings, as they can add extra calories. A vegetable or fish will always be healthier without breading.
  • Avoid sauces. Add flavor to your dishes with fresh herbs and spices instead of relying on high-calorie sauces or dressings.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle. The air fryer can help you have a balanced diet, but it is important to complement it with an active lifestyle.

You will also like these recipes for air fryer

And if you're looking for more cooking inspiration, don't miss our full page recipes for air fryer.

More Information about Healthy Eating: https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet

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