How to Prepare Tilapia in an Air Fryer

air fryer tilapia

Content updated April 11, 2024

Today we see how to prepare air fryer tilapia, a simple fish dish that you can make easily in just 20 minutes.

Below we will show you:

We will also tell you some variations and tips so that you can cook your recipe the way it is. easier and faster way.

Ingredients for Air Fryer Tilapia Recipe

Here is our list of ingredients to make tilapia in the air fryer:

  • Tilapia (2 fillets)
  • Paprika or paprika (1 tablespoon)
  • Garlic powder (1/2 tablespoon)
  • Onion powder (1/2 tablespoon)
  • Salt to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Parsley (1 sprig)
  • Olive oil (one tablespoon)

How to make tilapia in an air fryer

Time required: 20 minutes

To cook your tilapia in an airfryer it will only take you 5 minutes to prepare it and another 15 minutes in the air fryer.

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 205ºC / 400ºF.

    In a bowl, mix the paprika, garlic, onion, salt and pepper.

  2. Dry the tilapia fillets with kitchen paper on both sides.

    Spray or drizzle them lightly with olive oil, covering the entire surface.

  3. Now add the spices to both sides of the fish, trying to cover the entire surface again

    Air fry the tilapia fillets untouched for 15 minutes at 205ºF / 400ºC.

  4. After 8 minutes, open the basket and turn the tilapia over with the help of a pair of tongs.

    Finally, serve on a plate decorating with parsley cut into small pieces. You can also accompany it with a slice of lemon.

Time and Temperature for Air Fryer Tilapia

These values ​​for prepare tilapia in air fryer they are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the model and power of your air fryer.

Time: 15 minutes

Temperature: 200ºC / 392ºF

A perfect recipe for complicated days

Have you seen how easy? Just mix the ingredients well to add them to your tilapia and prepare a new dish of fish in air fryer. Of course, you can do without some ingredients such as garlic or onion powder if you consider it necessary.

We say that it is perfect for complicated days because you can prepare a dinner for the whole family in a few minutes.

If you have bought frozen tilapia you can wait for the steaks to thaw before cooking them. In this case, dry the tilapia very well with kitchen paper to remove excess water.

In case you have bought breaded tilapia, you can put it directly in the air fryer even if it is frozen. Spray a little olive oil when turning it if you consider it necessary (usually it is not necessary).

Finally, do not forget to accompany your tilapia in air fryer with a side salad or steamed potatoes. You will have prepared a simple and healthy dinner!

You will also like these recipes for air fryer

And if you are looking for more inspiration to cook, do not miss this page full of recipes for air fryer, easy and quick to do!

Tilapia Nutritional Information here

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How to Prepare Tilapia in an Air Fryer
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