Crock Pot Rice Pudding

Crock Pot Rice Pudding

Content updated April 11, 2024

This rice pudding recipe for Crock Pot it's so easy to make and will have dessert lovers licking their fingers. If this is your case, you are in luck because doing it is easier than you think.

Crock-Pot rice pudding recipe ingredients

  • Liter of milk (1)
  • Round rice (200 gr)
  • Lemon peel (2)
  • Sugar (100 gr)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks

How To Make Rice Pudding In Crock Pot

Time required: 3 10 hours and minutes

It takes about 10 minutes to prepare and 3 hours in the crockpot.

  1. Put the milk, the cinnamon sticks and the lemon peel in the pot.

    Replace the lid and set it on high for 1 hour.

  2. Lift the lid and add the rice. Stir for 2 minutes.

    After stirring, replace the lid and set the pot for 2 more hours on high heat.

  3. Add the sugar and stir until it dissolves well.

    Remove the cinnamon and lemon, serve in bowls and keep them in the fridge.

As you can see, we were not exaggerating anything when we told you that this Rice pudding recipe for electric pot was very simple. It takes 3 hours to prepare, but it will not require your attention for more than 15 minutes.

Stir the mixture well when you add the rice is very important for it to settle in the best way. Likewise, you can limit or add more sugar depending on your tastes.

Finally, you can use the cinnamon sticks as decoration and also pour a little of cinnamon powder.

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Nutritional information on rice pudding here

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