Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Content updated April 11, 2024

This pumpkin pie recipe It will allow you to take advantage, in a sweet way, of one of the most characteristic fruits of autumn. If you want to know how to turn your pumpkin into a delicious dessert, don't miss this easy step-by-step recipe.

Ingredients for making a pumpkin pie

  • Clean pumpkin (400 gr)
  • Sugar (125 gr)
  • Eggs (3)
  • Flour (200 gr)
  • Cinnamon powder (2 teaspoons)
  • Lemon (1 for the zest)
  • Royal yeast (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt (1 pinch)
  • Butter or margarine (50 gr)

How to make an easy pumpkin pie

Time required: 1 10 hour and minutes

To prepare it, it will take about 30 minutes and another 40 minutes to bake.

  1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and clean it by removing the skin and seeds.

    Put it in a saucepan to boil with water, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  2. After about 20 minutes, poke a piece with a fork and remove the squash if it is soft.

    Now put it in a colander to remove the water and crush the pumpkin with the help of a fork to create a kind of pasta.

  3. While you let the pumpkin paste cool, put the eggs with the sugar in a bowl and stir very well.

    Now we add, little by little, the butter, pumpkin and lemon zest.

  4. Once they are well integrated, add the flour, yeast and cinnamon little by little until we get a homogeneous mixture.

    While the oven is preheating up and down to 180 ºC, we put a little olive oil or butter all over the cake mold to prevent it from sticking.

  5. Once the oven is ready, we pour the pumpkin pie mixture into the mold and place it at 180 ºC for approximately 40 minutes.

    Finally, we optionally decorate to our liking with a little icing sugar, honey, nuts or jam.

Pumpkin pie in air fryer

Of course, This pumpkin pie recipe can also be made in your air fryer.. To do this, you will only need to follow the same steps and use the accessory mold that they sell specifically for The Airfryer.

Of course, depending on the size of your device, You may need to modify the amounts in the ingredients in your Air Fryer Pumpkin Pie Recipe. Naturally, you should do it proportionally with each and every one of the ingredients.

Some variations for your pumpkin pie

As you can see in the picture above, a special border has been added to the homemade pumpkin pie. You can do this by buying shortcrust dough and placing it on the base and both sides of the pan..

You can also shape it around the edges with your fingers, and then pour the mixture of our pumpkin sponge cake over the shortcrust pastry. If you want the broken dough to not stick, you can put a greaseproof paper on the base of the mold.

Another variation that we like in the recipe, although it adds considerably more calories, is add a small bottle of condensed milk (150-170 ml). The result will be sweeter and the mixture will be smoother.

As for the cover, you can leave it without anything, as in the image above, or give it the touch that you see fit. Icing sugar is a simple resource but you can also add chopped almonds, walnuts or honey. In fact, you can also add the aforementioned chopped nuts in your pumpkin pie batter.

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Pumpkin Pie Nutrition Facts here

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